We recently spent a day with our friend Chad at IBC, Chad is a photographer and film maker with some talent and a desire for adventure. The recipe is always a bit different for the types and styles of the mission, but the core ingredients remain the same. Questioning the unknown to seek truth, confidence in your boat, a sense for adventure, talent, nerve and a pinch of luck = documentaries, stunning images and tales of the secret world.
Chad is a master chef in his craft and someone worth knowing if you get the chance. Since we are always waiting for his projects to release it’s hard not to get excited when he checks in with IBC. He shared some pics of a current expedition I think we can use without letting the cat out of the bag which I’d like to share with you.

I’ve added a link or two to some of his online stuff i think you should check out. His instagram page is simply beautiful. Have a look at Chad Copeland and if you’re inclined help support his charitable work or try to get him to shoot for your network or studio. We’ll let him do what he does and just enjoy the visual stories he tells.
Keep checking in for future updates from the field.

Wild Actual