Buy any Commando or Grand Raid with a Yamaha Outboard and receive a premium Engel Cooler branded with the Yamaha Logo.

This sale is limited to stock on hand, special orders not included,

Hurry and call today to reserve your new boat + motor + cooler package while they last!






Bombard C3 Commando on sale now at Inflatable Boat Center. The perfect gift in a highly portable package for young people looking for fun. Easy to fit into a compact car or other vehicle. Show up, assemble, and explore the world you live in.

Bombard C3 Commandos can carry quite a bit of cargo and float no matter what nature throws at you.

Transportable by air for complicated water rescue scenarios and portable enough for high angle rescue teams to lower it down to the victim’s area for water egress.

Inflatable Boat Center
Inflatable Boat Center

Bombard C3 Commandos can be rolled up and delivered to austere locations making rescues and scientific discoveries a reality.

Inflatable Boat Center delivering a Bombard Commando to the headwaters for fishery science
Launching a Bombard C3 Commando from a sailboat for microplastics study Rozalia Project
Bombard C3 Commando on rocky beach

The Bombard C3 Commando is a Thermo-Bonded Duo-Tex constructed inflatable boat built to be tough enough to handle any coastline. This inherent toughness makes the Bombard C3 Commando a favorite for high angle rescue teams that have to carry their resources in with them and to the area of interest.

Sometimes you just want to go fishing; the Bombard C3 Commando has what it takes to get you out on the water where the fishing is good.


•Overall Length: 12’6″
•Inside Length: 8’2″
•Overall Width: 5’9″
•Inside Width: 2’9″
•Buoyancy Tube Diameter: 1’6″
•Passengers: 6
•Maximum Payload: 1653lbs.
•Total Weight: 216
•Air Tight Compartments: 3
•Shaft: Short
•Minimum Recommended Power (hp): 25
•Maximum Power Allowed (hp): 40
•Maximum Speed (mph): 35-?

  • Bag Dimensions
  • Hull bag 45″X25″X15″ 100Lbs.
  • Floor Boards 41″X21″X6″ 70Lbs.

The Bombard C3 Commando is a popular car topper boat for those quick and easy trips with a friend.


Fighting The Algorithm Commando Style

When the algorithm suggests pages and products it doesn’t try to find the best or brightest, it’s likely just putting up paid ads based off your activity online. Talk about something and it magically starts to show up in your feed, is your phone listening…?! Chances are good that it is, and it’s serving you content to consume as if by mere coincidence? Suprise!

It’s no coincidence that I’m constantly talking about inflatable boats, repairs, and the like so my feed is usually inundated with so much garbage and noise that it makes me wonder how the non-initiated can navigate the web of lies and get a decent boat at a fair price.

Most of my calls are from people who don’t own a Zodiac that can’t find help with their issues anywhere from where they bought their disaster from. These unscrupulous venders are there to make their money and move on to the next sucker. Flexing those algorithm muscles to dupe Mr. and Mrs. America out of any money they have left with psychological warfare and targeted ads. It’s really scary when you think about it, and it’s not just for Halloween either.

We’re not playing the game at IBC, we offer good Zodiac Recreational boats as well as the Zodiac Military and Professional line. We embrace the old world and welcome the new if it means our customers get a great boat that has value, is safe, and fun to use. Examples include the Zodiac Bombard Commando, a rough and tumble recreational grade boat that will do what you need without breaking the bank.

The C3 Commando is 12’6″ (3.8M) of new school tech built with old school principals that shun the shopping algorithm. C3 Commandos use Zodiac’s proprietary materials and Thermo-Bonded tubes to make a boat that’s ready to go when you are. It simply does the job, and like it’s namesake, does it clandestinely, never seeking attention, just providing results. Able to take up to a 40Hp outboard but still useable with a smaller portable, the C3 Commando is more than a sum of it’s parts. Cargo is handled, people are moved, fish are harvested, and weather is tamed with a C3 Commando.

Inflatable Boat Center

IBC’s founder and all around nice guy Captain Ron still has a C3 Commando that he uses from 1982.

If you take care of your Zodiac Bombard inflatable boat it will take care of you for years to come. Try that with the algorithm branded boat being force fed to your page. Not only is that algorithm marketed boat bad for the environment, it’s bad for your safety and mental health. Buyer’s remorse is pretty bad with those other boats, they are not financially sound, cost more to repair than they are worth, end up being a disaster for the environment where they’re made and not to mention the landfill they’ll end up in.

C3 Commando users are stewards of the environment, seeking quality over quantity, and looking towards the long term rather than immediate satisfaction from algorithm fueled retail therapy. Our C3 Commando users operate with complete freedom from the Arctic to the Antarctic in the pursuit of happiness. The Zodiac Bombard Commandos are on sale thru Christmas in honor of Dr. Bombard’s solo crossing of the Atlantic in a prototype inflatable boat that became what we recognize today.

Give us a call or stop by the IBC Showroom in Portland Oregon to package up your own adventure.

Inflatable Boat Center
2041 SE Powell Blvd.
Portland Oregon 97202
shop our website inflatableboats.com